Sunday, September 14, 2008

Prayers of a child

Sometimes there are those times as a parent when you feel so helpless. You want to help your child, but there is only so much you can do. The other night my four year-old had nightmares. She's my third child, so we've dealt with nightmares before. We put her back to bed and I thought that was the end of it. The next night, however, when it was time to go to bed, she was sobbing. She didn't want to go to bed because she was afraid of the nightmares coming back. The only thing I could do for her was to do what my parents would do for me when I would have bad dreams as a child: pray. She wasn't very convinced that this would work. My eight year-old assured her that it really does work because it has worked for her. We prayed and I was able to get her to bed. That night I prayed and prayed for her. I wanted her to experience answers to her prayers. The next morning I was anxious to talk to her and see how her night went. With all the enthusiasm of her cute personality she proclaimed that she did not have any bad dreams that night. Now she continually prays to not have bad dreams and she doesn't! I am so grateful to a loving Heavenly Father who loves my children even more than I do. He answers prayers.


Lani said...

We've given a few of those prayers at our house too. Thank goodness for the power of prayer. I'm so glad you shared this, Beth! Thanks!!

AMY said...

Thanks for sharing, we all need to be reminded to pray more.