Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Reflections of Christ

It doesn't matter how many times I see these images. I just can't get enough of them. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Yesterday was a pretty hard day for me. ..Monte's car broke down, I found out that an old friend of mine passed away, and then that my Aunt has ovarian cancer that has spread to other organs. This whole summer has actually been kind of a nightmare for my extended family. Anyway, after I cried on and off about my friend, was numb about my Aunt, and was really stressed about the thought of trying to afford to get Monte's car fixed, or buy a newer one, I took a deep breathe. At that moment I realized that I could either choose to be in a foul, stressed out mood and make Monte in a foul, stressed out mood too- or I could calm down and look at the big picture. So, I opened up The Book Of Mormon to a few random pages and read a verse or two on each page. Then Monte gave me a hug, and I gave him a kiss, and I decided that I wasn't going to let myself worry about it. Things will happen that we will have no control over, we just have to deal with it with the most grace and dignity that we can muster.
I feel so blessed to be a member of the Church and know of "The Big Picture." I feel blessed to know of the Plan of Salvation. What a comfort that is. I feel blessed to know that the Lord will always look out for me, and bless me, if I am living worthily.
Times are going to be hard for everyone. We can either choose to keep our heads up with optimism, courage, and happiness, or trudge along and make ourselves and everyone around us miserable. I choose to be happy!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Angels Among Us

What an amazing conference weekend! I feel so full and inspired. But I specifically want to mention Elder Holland's talk about angels. He spoke with power about the angels--seen and unseen, immortal and mortal--who are always among us, helping us. I can add my own testimony to his that this is absolutely true.

I have been struggling lately with a concern for which I have desperately wanted an answer. I asked the Lord, prior to the start of conference, to help me find the answers I needed through the messages that would be shared. This afternoon, between sessions, the Holy Spirit reminded me of an experience that put all my worries to rest. That experience involved an earthly angel who spoke peace to my heart at a pivotal moment in my life. Then my mind reflected back on a number of other similar experiences where the Lord used messengers to teach, reassure, and comfort me in ways I can never forget.

I can never forget the young man I crossed paths with at the Cannon Center one Sunday during my freshman year at BYU. I cannot remember his name, and I cannot tell you for certain whether he was even mortal. Our conversation led me to believe that he may have been a literal angel. We began talking as we waited in line to get our lunch and then shared a table for the meal. I found myself sharing some personal problems and trials with him. And he spoke to me with a wisdom and understanding I can only attribute to the power of the Holy Spirit. He urged me: "Never settle for anything less than what you've always dreamed of." This and other advice led me to make a significant change in my life for the better, and I will never, ever forget this experience. I know the Lord spoke to me through a kind messenger that day.

I can never forget an experience in the Provo temple later that same year. I had gone to do baptisms for the dead with a dear friend, and, while I waited for my friend after we had finished, I sat on a bench reading the scriptures. As we headed to leave, a male temple worker approached me and said, "Thank you for sitting and reading. You have such a worthy spirit about you." Only God knew just how much I needed to hear those very words that day. An outsider may have thought it was a strange thing to say to someone, but, to me, it felt like a love note straight from God. I'm so grateful that kind man was in-tune that day.

I can never forget the first Sunday after I got married. My new husband and I attended sacrament meeting at a ward in Manti, UT. After the meeting, we contemplated leaving early to head to the next stop on our honeymoon trip. Instead, we decided to stay for the remainder of the church meetings. I am so glad we did. As I sat in Relief Society, the friendly older sister next to me reached out to me. We talked a bit, and I mentioned that I was on my honeymoon. As the meeting ended and we were parting, she told me that she "knew everything was going to be great for us." She did not know the aches and troubles in my heart, but God did. And I knew He had inspired that woman to speak those very words to me.

I can never forget Sister Dautel. She was a Sister Missionary at the St. George Temple visitor's center. My husband and I had planned to do a session at the St. George Temple during our honeymoon trip, but, when we arrived at the temple, it was closed for cleaning. We were disappointed, but we decided to head over to the visitor's center. We were greeted by a tiny elderly sister with a German accent. She took us under her wing, showed us every wonderful thing there was to see at the visitor's center, and, as we stood before the Christus statue, she spoke of her early marriage and the testimony she had gained of the blessing of tithing, that if we would always pay our tithing, we would always be taken care of. She radiated the most loving spirit. Her eyes were full of compassion and kindness. She encouraged us and filled us with hope for our marriage and our future. It was a beautiful tender mercy that we met Sister Dautel that day. She was an angel.

I can never forget the afternoon that we signed the papers for the mortgage of our home. After the piles and piles of paperwork had been completed, we stood in the entry of the mortgage office chatting with our loan officers. One was an older gentleman with a strong Utah accent named Dale. He radiated warmth and love. He spoke so kindly to us. I don't remember everything he said, but I do remember the Spirit I felt as he spoke. He said how great everything was going to be for us. And I didn't even want to leave because of the way I felt around him. At the time, I just thought what a kind man he was. But, as the Lord has reminded me of that experience, I have felt impressed that the Lord was using Dale to assure us that we were making the right decision to purchase our home. I am so grateful for Dale's warm and loving Spirit that afternoon.

So many angels have touched and blessed my life. I couldn't even begin to relate them all. I know the Lord loves me. I can never doubt it. I am so grateful for the wonderful men and women, many of them strangers, who have been in-tune enough to be instruments in God's hand to tenderly bring me peace and comfort. I loved Elder Uchtdorf's words in the General Relief Society broadcast--while the number of prayers we pray is important, the number of prayers we answer is of even greater importance. I want to be "more angelic" as Elder Holland urged. I want to be an instrument to answer the prayers of others--be they friends or strangers. I hope I already have.