Saturday, August 16, 2008

What I really needed

Monday was a bad day. Not because of anything that happened but just because of how I felt. All day long I was plagued with negative thoughts and feelings. All day long I found myself on the verge of tears. Then my husband came home, and I fell apart at the seams, blubbering to him, "Will you please make dinner?" He readily got to work while I fled to my bedroom for some unbridled praying and sobbing.

Over and I over I pleaded to the Lord to help me understand why I was feeling that way... so lost and alone and unable to hear or feel the Spirit. I sobbed and prayed and sobbed and prayed. I opened up my scriptures looking for comfort, guidance, anything. I've always been able to find help in those sacred words. But I found nothing that night. I couldn't even find peace through music. Where was the Lord? Where was the Spirit? What was wrong with me?

Then I fell asleep.

And awhile later, I woke up. My two daughters had climbed onto my bed... hugging and kissing me, saying they loved me, and telling me my dinner was ready downstairs. Not to mention the dishes done, kitchen cleaned, and laundry in the works.

And I was me again.

I couldn't help but think of how Heavenly Father must have felt watching me sob and writhe in my agony. How many times have I listened to the miserable crying of my toddler when she has been beyond the point of tired and wanted to say to her, "Just go to sleep!" God knew exactly what I really needed on Monday. And, though I thought He had abandoned me, He was there all along. Probably shaking his head in loving pity and whispering to my soul, "Just go to sleep!"

He knows us so well. He loves us. He will never leave us alone.


Beth said...

That's such a touching perspective.

Liz said...

Lani, you don't know me, but I saw a link to your blog from Dustin and Amber Fife's and felt I should follow it, and I'm so glad I did. What a beautiful page. Thank you - you've really inspired me. I'll definitely be checking back.


Lani said...

Hi Liz! Thanks for stopping by and commenting! I'm so glad you did. Looks like you're in our neck of the woods here in the Valley of the Sun! I emailed Amber to get your email address. We should get together some time! :-)

Bekah said...

Hi. I don't make a habit of just reading people's blogs that I don't know but I found your blog through my cousin Amy's blog. Amy's blog really inspired me to create my own and keep in touch, but so far I haven't been to successful in keeping up with it. So tonight as I was updating some things I started looking through Amy's profile and ended up reading through your posts. I am truly touched by your words here. Especially in "what I really needed" I have been this person, I have had these feelings and I have tried in vain to feel like myself again. And the words you said here bring tears to my eyes, to think of what Heavenly Father feels is not a concept I have ever grasped before, but I am sure that he has looked down on me and said "why must she do things the hard way". It's comforting to me to know that I am not the only one with days like these. Thank you for a wonderful blog with touching words of wisdom!

Lani said...

Rebekah, I'm so honored that you took the time to read and comment here. And I'm so glad my experience brought you comfort.

The posts here on this blog come from several different authors, so I can't take credit for all the beautiful posts here. I'm so grateful for the experiences of friends and family members who can strengthen me when I'm weak.

Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment. :-)